Our Position on GMOs in Nigeria

Our Abuja symposium and High Level Dialogue which held on the 20th and 21st of March, yielded tremendous results as it reverberated round the country through various forums, media platforms, and civil society organization who are stakeholders in the health and agricultural sectors in Nigeria.

As any other technological innovation, we must carry out extensive study across local research institutes and bodies, to ascertain that locally developed and most especially, imported inventions are safe and sustainable for man and his environment, therefore we are committed to critically reviewing Nigeria’s commercial deployment of Genetically Modified Organisms.

From our studies on the technology of GMO in modern farming and it’s deployment around the world, opposing the current practices should not be strange; infact it is a welcome development and every Government must pay close attention to the cons and weigh it accordingly before accepting and deploying it. Therefore, we clarify our position on GMOs today as providing useful resource to our citizens to make a choice if they want it or not, and to our Government to review current legislation, practice and deployments to ascertain if it is dangerous to the health of our people, our food systems and our sovereignty. Laws and policies are subject to periodic review, to ensure they represent the best interest of the people. This is required in any true democratic society and we appeal to promoters of GMO to consider the facts on ground and look away from the temporary enticing offers from trans national vandals who seek to colonise our food systems by creating food monopoly through the current practice of GMO in Nigeria which we oppose. We therefore hope for more open dialogue with various stakeholders in the society, media personalities and the Nigerian GMO promoters in the coming weeks and months.

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