List of Countries GMOs Are Banned – CEFSAR

Here, we provide a list of the current global stance on GMOs. It is a comprehensive and up-to-date list of countries and territories where GMOs are banned; the types of bans, dates of bans, and specific crops banned where available.

Countries with GMO Bans:

  1. Algeria
      • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
      • Date: Since 2000

      2. Australia

        • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned in Tasmania and Kangaroo Island; imports allowed.
        • Date: Varies by region.

        3. Austria

          • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
          • Date: Enforced since early 2000s.

          4. Azerbaijan

            • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
            • Date: Early 2000s.

            5. Belize

              • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
              • Date: Early 2000s.

              6. Bhutan

                • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
                • Date: Since 2004.

                7. Bosnia and Herzegovina

                  • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                  • Date: Since 2004.

                  8. Bulgaria

                    • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                    • Date: Since 2014.

                    9. Croatia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      10. Cyprus

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      11. Denmark

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      12. Ecuador

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since 2008.

                      13. France

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since early 2000s.

                      14. Germany

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since early 2000s.

                      15. Greece

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since early 2000s.

                      16. Hungary

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since 2005.

                      17. India

                      • Type of Ban: Only Bt cotton is allowed; other GMOs prohibited.
                      • Date: Since 2002 for Bt cotton.

                      18. Italy

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since early 2000s.

                      19. Kenya

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation of white maize approved; other GMOs prohibited.
                      • Date: Since 2012.

                      20. Kyrgyzstan

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
                      • Date: Since 2014.

                      21. Latvia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      22. Lithuania

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      23. Luxembourg

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      24. Madagascar

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
                      • Date: Since 2002.

                      25. Malta

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      26. Mexico

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation of GM corn banned; imports allowed but restricted.
                      • Date: Since 2013 for cultivation, with tighter import restrictions from 2024.

                      27. Moldova

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Early 2000s.

                      28. Netherlands

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      30. Norway

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Early 2000s.

                      31. Peru

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports of soy and corn allowed.
                      • Date: Since 2011.

                      32. Poland

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since early 2000s.

                      33. Russia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
                      • Date: Cultivation banned since 2014; imports banned since 2014 (with a partial reversal in 2020 for soy).

                      34. Saudi Arabia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Early 2000s.

                      35. Serbia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Early 2000s.

                      36. Slovenia

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation prohibited; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since joining the EU.

                      37. Switzerland

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since 2005.

                      38. Turkey

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned; imports allowed.
                      • Date: Early 2000s.

                      39. Ukraine

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation banned (though often ignored); imports allowed.
                      • Date: Since 2013.

                      40. Venezuela

                      • Type of Ban: Cultivation and imports banned.
                      • Date: Since 2004.

                        Regions with GMO Bans

                        • California, USA: Some counties like Humboldt, Marin, Mendocino, Sonoma, and Trinity have bans on cultivation but allow imports.
                        • Colorado, USA: Boulder County has planned bans on GMO corn and sugar beets on county-owned land.
                        • Oregon, USA: Jackson County has a cultivation ban.
                        • Maine, USA: Montville County had a cultivation ban (enforcement expired in 2018).
                        • Washington, USA: San Juan County has a cultivation ban.
                        • South Australia: Kangaroo Island has a cultivation ban.
                        • Tasmania, Australia: Cultivation banned but imports allowed.

                        European Union

                        The EU allows member countries to opt-out of GMO cultivation. As of the latest data, 19 EU countries including Germany, France, and Italy have banned the cultivation of specific GMO crops like MON810 corn.

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